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Supporting Families in Ayrshire

FamilySupportFamily support services are essential in a hospital setting, offering emotional, informational, and practical assistance during difficult times.

Often families will be in crisis when visiting hospital and while the nature of the crisis varies, Crosshouse Children’s Fund tries to provide whatever is needed at the time,

Such support extends to funding patient transport, providing emergency clothing for mothers and babies, and more.

"My son Robbie was born prematurely, and we were rushed to Ayrshire Maternity. Thanks to Crosshouse Children’s Fund, we were given clothes for Robbie. The team’s exceptional care and support helped us through a worrying time. Robbie is now a thriving 9-month-old!"

Lorna, a grateful mum.

Unfortunately, the support required for families sometimes relates to the loss of a child, so the charity has also recently funded bereavement books in Ayrshire Maternity, for parents and siblings, as well as a specialist bereavement nurse, Victoria Maxwell. You can find out more about Victoria's role here.