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The Healing Power of Play

PlayTherapy2Hospital play programs, like those funded by Crosshouse Children's Fund, help children relax and have fun through activities like arts and crafts, sensory play, birthday parties, and special visits. These programs are vital for reducing stress, distracting from pain, combating loneliness, and aiding in recovery.

We believe children shouldn't miss out because they are in the hospital. Your support allows families to celebrate special events despite their challenging circumstances.

Jaxon Strikes Back

Jaxon, who was rushed to Crosshouse by ambulance to be treated for croup, and later suffered an asthma attack, has recently benefitted from a special visit, arranged by the charity.

 'Before the Star Wars characters came to visit, he had little energy and hadn't moved from his bed. His wee face when he saw them was amazing! The visit really excited him and got him out of his bed - he almost forgot he was ill.'

Jaxon’s Mum


Thank you to the Imperial Scottish Garrison for visiting Jaxon and other patients on Star Wars Day, May 4th